ANNOUNCEMENT: Stay tuned for a redesigned website and LOTS more products to make your ride a safer one. If there are products you are interested in and would like to see available feel free to let us know. Some products we are looking at include:
Ever been caught with a dead battery? Many of us carry booster cables in the trunk of our car, but how do you boost your motorcycle? The battery on most bikes is covered, small and tucked away in an awkward position that makes getting the battery terminals to jump start it nearly impossible especially without tools. Automobile booster cables are typically heavy, have too-large clips, poorly made and do not coil up to a very compact, portable package. The CYCLEBOOST SYSTEM was created to solve many of your motorcycle boosting problems. First, all systems (except BASICBOOST) come with an installable quick connect harness that you attach to your battery terminals, cover and tuck away under your side cover or other convenient location until needed. Second, all systems are made with high temp PVC jacketed, 8-gauge, stranded battery cable, yet is flexible and easily coiled to be stored flat in any saddlebag or trunk. Third, CYCLEBOOST SYSTEM is made to the highest standards: All connections are crimped, soldered and sealed with dual-wall shrink-wrap. All components are rated for 50 amps constant (300 amp surge), the battery clips are motorcycle sized and optimized for use either across the terminals or end on. The quick connectors are even self-cleaning! The quick release connectors are one-way. Positive and negative cables are clearly marked red and black, as are the terminal connectors in your car or truck. Match them up and you’re back on the road! There are four versions of the CYCLEBOOST SYSTEM: PRODUCTS All CYCLEBOOST systems include a handy zippered storage bag. The SOLOBOOST and MULTIBOOST kits also include longer battery bolts for easier installation.
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