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CYCLEBOOST product line completed

4 additional products added beyond original prototype...

Ajax -- 7/22/03 -- Two years ago what is now called a SOLOBOOST was installed on my 2000 VStar 1100 Classic. While not very aesthetic is was functional and allowed me to help numerous people with dead batteries (bikes AND cars). Over those two years the number of people that asked me where they could get such a device soared to practically everyone I showed it to. So, 6 months ago I decided to look into what it would take to refine the set and produce something that not only functional but professional in appearance (I didn't want it to look like it had been whipped up in a garage somewhere).

During the time in which I was refining the product I realized there where other ways to take advantage of the high current quick release connectors. I realized that if the harness was on more than one vehicle then the battery clips would be almost unnecessary and the MULTIBOOST was born. From that point is was a natural extension to develop the product more as a modular system where you could either get a prearranged kit or pick and choose the combinations you wanted which is now the CYCLEBOOST SYSTEM.

I have now completed many of the refinements from the initial prototype. Most of which turned out to be materials selection although the quick release connectors and the cable are the same as the prototype I found better ways to seal the connections, better crimping methods and better packaging (the zippered bag and Velcro tie (the prototype had a bit of string around it)).

All of these things going towards producing a product that has the potential to outlast any vehicle you use it on!

Now we go into product review stages as we prepare for the upcoming shows later this year.

Thanks to all my friends for all your support and encouragement!

Andrew Wells

Founder & Inventor of CYCLEBOOST

For More Information Contact:

116 Burcher Road, Ajax, ON
Tel: 905-683-5245
FAX: 905-683-3267
Internet: info@cycleboost.com


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Last modified: June 29, 2009
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