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Jump Starting Safety

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Safely Jumpstarting of Vehicles

Make certain you follow these steps exactly. Discharged batteries can emit gasses which are explosive. If the connections are made in the wrong order or carelessly, you could cause sparking and an explosion could result! Use caution.

The premise of the following four scenarios is the same end result. The last connection to be made is at the donor (good) battery end. This is so if there are any sparks they are not close enough to the dead or discharged battery to possibly ignite any of the gases emitted from the dead battery. If you can remember just that principle you should have no problems even if you can't remember all these instructions.

In these instructions we refer to the Battery Clip Harness. This can either mean the Extended Battery Clip Harness or the Battery Clip Harness assembled with an Extender Harness.

Using the CYCLEBOOST System

Scenario 1 - Standard booster cables

  1. Connect one positive (red) booster cable clip to the positive terminal on the donor battery.
  2. Connect the other positive (red) booster cable clip to the positive terminal on the discharged battery.
  3. Connect one negative (black) booster cable clip to the negative terminal on the discharged battery.
  4. Finally, connect the other negative (black) booster cable clip to the negative terminal on the donor battery.

Try first to start the vehicle with the discharged battery without running the donor vehicle. If this is unsuccessful, then start the donor vehicle and run at approximately twice the idle speed without over revving the engine and then try again to boost the vehicle with the discharged battery.

Once the vehicle with the discharged battery has started, disconnect the booster cables in the reverse order, from the donor's negative lead first.

Scenario 2 - Vehicle Harness on Donor Vehicle

  1. Connect the positive (red) booster cable clip to the positive terminal on the discharged battery.
  2. Connect the negative (black) booster cable clip to the negative terminal on the discharged battery.
  3. Finally, connect the Battery Clip Harness quick release to the Vehicle Harness of the donor vehicle.

Try first to start the vehicle with the discharged battery without running the donor vehicle. If this is unsuccessful, then start the donor vehicle and run at approximately twice the idle speed without over revving the engine and then try again to boost the vehicle with the discharged battery.

Once the vehicle with the discharged battery has started, disconnect the booster cables in the reverse order, from the donor's Battery Clip Harness quick release.

Scenario 3 - Vehicle Harness on Discharged Vehicle

  1. Connect the positive (red) booster cable clip to the positive terminal on the donor battery.
  2. Connect the Battery Clip Harness quick release to the Vehicle Harness of the discharged vehicle.
  3. Finally, connect the negative (black) booster cable clip to the negative terminal on the donor battery.

Try first to start the vehicle with the discharged battery without running the donor vehicle. If this is unsuccessful, then start the donor vehicle and run at approximately twice the idle speed without over revving the engine and then try again to boost the vehicle with the discharged battery.

Once the vehicle with the discharged battery has started, disconnect the booster cables in the reverse order, from the donor's negative lead first.

Scenario 4 - Vehicle Harnesses on BOTH Vehicles (MUTIBOOST Kit Only)

Using the Extender Harness Only:

  1. Connect one end of the Extender Harness to the Vehicle Harness of the discharged vehicle.
  2. Connect the other end of the Extender Harness to the Vehicle Harness of the donor vehicle.

Try first to start the vehicle with the discharged battery without running the donor vehicle. If this is unsuccessful, then start the donor vehicle and run at approximately twice the idle speed without over revving the engine and then try again to boost the vehicle with the discharged battery.

Once the vehicle with the discharged battery has started, disconnect the booster cables in the reverse order, from the donor's negative lead first.



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Copyright © 2009 CYCLEBOOST Systems
Last modified: June 29, 2009
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