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Articles on product use, safety and vehicle maintenance

The basics of a charging system

A great write up on popular methods of power generation and regulation.

Safe boosting of a disabled vehicle using the CYCLEBOOST System

An in depth guide for the use of the product. Includes use of standard cables also.

Car Chargers, Do's and Don'ts

That car battery charger may solve the immediate problem but will be a source of grief later down the road.

Battery Maintenance

Some general tips about getting the most life out of your battery and protecting your investment.

What? ONLY 50 amp rating? (a rant about current)

A look into how some products are rated and how easily we are misled...

PDF version of product manual

What comes in the kit...


Using and Charging SLA Batteries

A PDF file with a really good description of sealed Lead Acid cell batteries and their use and development.



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Copyright © 2009 CYCLEBOOST Systems
Last modified: June 29, 2009
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